Fundraising for The Dream Big Project

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After the initial support of the congregation, we are now reaching out again, and this time to the wider community to raise funds for what has been named The Dream Big Project.

So we can continue to provide the much needed and much appreciated welcoming and inclusive space for everyone in our congregation and in our community at large.

How Much money do we want to raise in February? £30,000

How much money do we need to raise? £360,000 - £400, 000

What will the money be spent on?
- Installing toilets and circulation (£59K)
- Installing a kitchen with proper plumbing and better facilities (£38K)
- Better accessibility (entrance) and comfort once in the church (£96 000)
- Installing low energy lighting and up-to-date audio-visual equipment (£73 000)
- Improving the multi-space ensuring different groups can make appropriate and inclusive use of the Church (£107 000)

How can You help?
By donating directly: NatWest Code: 55-61-44 a/c no.725151198 (ref: development project) or click here to donate more simply by methods such as via ApplePay.

To find out more, take a look at our specific page The Dream Big Project included on this site AND join us in person on the 20th July at 6.30pm at St Margarets for our Open Evening.