Donating to the Big Dream Project

THE BIG DREAM PROJECT is St Margaret’s development project, improving our facilities to benefit all who use or visit the church. 

The first priority is to install toilets and a new servery in the social area at the back of the church.

The estimated cost of the current part of the project will be approaching £200,000. The church congregation has contributed £40,000 in new gifts, and £20,000 from reserves. We hope to obtain some funding from grant-giving organisations. However, local fundraising is continuing, and is essential and urgent, not least because inflation is constantly driving up the cost. We also still aspire to other improvements in the church, with improved (and more eco-friendly) heating and lighting at the top of the list for the future.

If you would like to contribute, please click this link  choosing the Dream Big option.

 If you are visiting the church, please use the card reader for card donations or a WHITE gift envelope for cash or cheque.

To make a bank transfer, please use the project account:

Account: St Margaret's PCC; Sort Code: 55-61-44; a/c no: 72515201

If you are a UK taxpayer, you may be able to make a Gift Aid declaration, and the Government will give us an extra 25% on your donation, at no cost to you. [If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you actually get a tax benefit.]

If you have questions about the Dream Big project, donations or Gift Aid, please phone the Dream Big project on 07952 821463 or click here to e-mail.

Thank you very much.