
Come and See is the Lent activity from Oxford Diocese. "Come and See takes place in Lent each year. It’s our big, warm open invitation to an adventure in faith and trust. It’s for everyone in the local church and the whole community... including children and young people, families and schools. It's free of charge and all are welcome." This year's programme is The Way of love

The Pilgrim series is a structured learning sequence that can be picked up at any stage. Bishop Steven writes for the Pilgim series, see their website for more.

In previous years we have locally started the Thy Kingdom Come Wave of Prayer between Ascension and Pentecost with a service on Wittenham Clumps. The full Thy Kingdom Come resource can be found on the Thy Kingdom Come website.

Library. There is a small collection of books for browsing in the back of the church near the font, on the shelves on the back of the last row of pews (benches).
As you can imagine there are a lot of resources available on line too, the books and apps mentioned above for the Pilgrim Courses of course, and these might be useful too;
Church House Publishing is the Church of England's publisher:
Daily Prayer: The official app for Morning, Evening and Night prayer
Time to pray: Daily Prayer and Bible reading app
Reflections for Daily Prayer: Daily Bible notes app from the Church of England
Sunday Worship: Sunday Bible readings app, Collects and more
Reflections on the Psalms: A spiritual journey through the Psalms app
Lectionary: The official calendar of readings app for the Church of England
Our former Bishop, Rt Revd John Pritchard, has written in the Pilgrim Series and also publishes through SPCK publishing, including:
The Intercessions Handbook ISBN 0281049793
The second Intercessions Handbook ISBN 0281056498
Living faithfully ISBN 9780281067626

At such times as Advent, Lent and Easter the Church of England runs series of online daily reflections in an app such as "Follow the Star" for Advent and Christmas, and "Easter pilgrim" for Lent and Easter, see here. https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/what-we-believe
for general information, click on 'Advent and Christmas' or 'Lent, Holy Week and Easter'  and here
for the 2024 Lent and Easter programmes. You'll see that several of our Holy Week events mesh in with the Lent theme.  This years online daily reflections information is here,
https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-calling/what-we-believe/lent-holy-week-and-easter/watch-and-pray-resources-lent-2024 .
Click to register for the app.

For Lent 2024 our Team has a lot Lent events detailed in the below attachment, many are included on our Calendar.

240205_Lent-Leaflet-2024-revised-SMG-300124, PDF


240210 Contemplative Team Service for Lent[3471], DOCX


240210 Contemplation Team svc Chisel, JPG


240126 Team Quiet Day, St. Mary, Cholsey, PNG
