About Us

It is said that if you want to know an English village look at its church.

St. Mary, Eastling, is part of the Parish of High Downs with the churches of St. Mary, Stalisfield with Otterden; St. Michael and All Angels, Throwley. We are also part of the wider Christian community of the Ospringe Deanery. We have one PCC that is supported by members of each church in the parish. We meet and share regularly in worship, fellowship and joint parish events throughout the year.

Eastling Church lies southeast of the main street in the centre of the village, about 300 yards along Kettle Hill Road. The church is set back from the road and is surrounded by mature yew trees (one of which is more than 2,000 years old), with only the spire visible above them. Parts of the church, such as the base of the tower, date from the 11th century. The nave is from the 12th century; the chancel, the 13th; and the sanctuary and St Katherine Chapel, the 14th. In 1855, R.C.Hussey substantially rebuilt the nave, the north aisle and the south arcade, and completely re-roofed the nave (unfortunately destroying many medieval features).

Many of us come to St. Mary’s out of faith, others out of love of an ancient building, but we are all determined to make sure our church is open and available for all when needed. St. Mary’s has been here, in the centre of our village for over 900 years. It has watched as the village has been through plague, civil war and two World Wars. It has been a constant presence in times of trouble and sadness, times of celebration and gladness, and for funerals, christenings and weddings. We know that a church is more than a building, it's about the family of people who make up that church. It is the desire of this church and its members to reflect the love and light of Christ to all in our communities for generations to come. 

You and your family are most welcome to join us, please contact us should you need further information, or wish for someone to meet you when you first come to church. We will be happy to show you around and help to introduce you to others.

Priest in Charge: 

Currently we are entering a period of interregnum. Please can all calls and correspondence be directed towards members of the Kingsdown, Creekside and High Downs our administrator Joyce Warren and other members of the Ministry Team given below:

Telephone: 01795 521831 (This number is cited in the Parish office at St. Peter and St. Paul, Lynsted Church. There is a voicemail in operation, which is monitored regularly).

email: [email protected]

Associate Priest: Reverend Jim Pye

The Rectory, Newnham Lane, Eastling, Faversham, Kent ME13 0AS.

01795 890726

[email protected]

Churchwarden at St. Mary, Eastling:  Andrew Baxter

Deputy Warden: Mark Harlow 07979864000.


Caroline Ramshaw - Caroline is also our Minister with Anna Chaplaincy

Pim Baxter 

Norman Fowler has now retired as an active Reader in the Parish.  He is Reader Emeritus.

Authorised Lay Ministry Leader (ALM)

Mark Harlow - Morning Services in the Benefice and Cornerstone, Lynsted Church 

Administrator: Joyce Warren

Parish Office Email: [email protected]

Parish Safeguarding Officer:  Mark Harlow 07979864000:  [email protected]

Facebook: facebook.com/highdownsbenefice

Good News Magazine Editor: Mrs. Hilary Harlow

Study Group Leaders:

Revd. Angela Cheeseman

Steve Youle

Mark Harlow

Eastling Church Council

Chair: Andrew Baxter 

Secretary: Steve Youle

Treasurer: Andrew Baxter (Interim)

Deanery Synod Representative: Andrew Baxter


Steve Youle

Caroline Ramshaw

Pim Baxter

Stewart Bromley

Sue Perks

Mark Harlow