Benefice Newsletter for Sunday 20th October 2024

20th October 2024

News Letter

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday's readings:-

Hebrews 5: 1 - 10

Mark 10: 35 - 45


9:00am Morning Prayer live on Facebook

10:30am Doddington, Morning Worship

10:30am Eastling, Morning Worship

10:30am Norton, Morning Worship

10:30am Teynham, Holy Communion

6:00pm Lynsted, Cornerstone

Wednesday 23rd

11:00am Wychling, Holy Communion

(last one this year)

This is a new "Group Safeguarding Training "
Small group sessions for Basic and Foundation training will be available at Doddington Vicarage for anyone who would like support. THE LAST ONE IS morning or afternoon on Monday 28 October. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Parish Events

Family Food Bank

Collection boxes can be found in each church

& Doddington Vicarage

more information can be found

Foodbank Donations

All donations of food, you can now take to Teynham School

Monday to Friday in school term hours

Kingsdown, Creekside and High Downs Prayer Diary

October 20th

Bless all those making our services happen today - preachers, leaders, musicians, flower arrangers, coffee makers, cleaners, welcomers, attenders

October 21st

Thank you for all those who give themselves to service in politics

and civil life; bless them with commitment and integrity.

October 22nd

We bring to you all those who have been victims of crime and who

are feeling angry or afraid.

October 23rd

Praying for the growth and deepening of the spiritual life for all in our churches, that we might seek God not only in the sacred places but in the midst and margins of daily life.

October 24th

Praying for the burial of ashes at Newnham today and for all those

who mourn the loss of a loved one.

October 25th

Praying for everyone in times of change and transition that they might trust God for the next step especially when the destination is unclear.

October 26th

Remembering people who feel the Church is not for them because they have had damaging experiences, or do not feel they would belong.

Church Events


Our Prayers for the family and friends of :-

Joyce Olive smith

21st October

Newnham Church

Iris Born

24th October

Garden of England Crematorium

Jennifer Cheeseman

24th October

Doddington Church

Edna Payne

24th October

Newnham Church

? Flower arranging ?

Have you ever wanted to arrange flowers with flair at home or in church?

There will be a session on Saturday morning at 10am 26th October

FREE & donations would be welcome plus homemade soup and bread afterwards.

Come with foliage & flowers from your garden

Leave me your name and number on 01795 521831 or email

[email protected]

Stalisfield Youth Club

Meets in Stalisfield Village Hall

23rd October

Music, gaming, craft, table tennis & more

11 - 17 year olds

Contact Catherine 07929 928046

or [email protected]

Lynsted Christmas Craft Fair

Saturday 30th November

Are you a artisan? Do you paint pictures, make your own soap, have hives to sell honey, carve wood or stone, make cakes, knit, felt or make jewellery?

If you do, would you like to sell your wares at Lynsted's

Christmas Craft Fair?

Contact Joyce on [email protected]

or leave a message on office phone 01795 521831

There is a service of Commemoration & Thanksgiving for the Departed

on Sunday 27th October in Teynham Church at 4pm

We invite you to contact us, if you would like to light a candle and have their name read out in church

telephone 01795 521831 & leave a message

email [email protected]

Let's stay connected

The Ministry Leadership Team would be pleased to pray for you or someone close to you.
Contact any of the following:-

Rev Paula Jardine-Rose
07516 411269
[email protected]

Rev Jim Pye: 07851 680612
Working day Wednesday & Thursday
[email protected]

Mary Gollop: 01795 522165
Les & Barbara Roberts: 01795 886332
Pim Baxter: 01795 890598
Sue Baldry: 01795 522975

Caroline Ramshaw - Anna Chaplaincy
[email protected]
07799 538809

Benefice Administrator Joyce Warren
[email protected]

Office = Tuesday & Wednesday 01795 521831




Last Sunday after Trinity

Bible Sunday

27th October 2024

2 Timothy 3: 14 - 4: 5

& John 5: 36b - 47

9:30am Morning Prayers, Live on Website

10:30am Family Holy Communion, LYNSTED

10:30am Morning Worship, NEWNHAM

10:30am Morning Worship, OARE

10:30am Holy Communion, THROWLEY

4:00pm Commemoration, TEYNHAM

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