Benefice Daily Service of Morning Prayer at 9.00am via live Facebook broadcast

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 1 hour
Live Facebook Broadcast
Live Facebook Broadcast

Daily Service of Morning Prayer (Common Worship) at 9.00am. This service is led by a member of the ministry team via a live Facebook broadcast.
To access it you don’t need a Facebook account although you can access it from the Kingsdown Creekside Facebook page. Alternatively if you go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page you can access the Facebook page directly.

Parish Bible Study Group - Meeting at 18 Beech Close, Faversham, Kent

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Chris Fagg
Chris Fagg, 18 Beech Close, Faversham, Kent, United Kingdom

Great News! During 2025 and each Tuesday evening between 7.30pm - 9.00pm the members of Parish Bible Study Group will be meeting for some study and fellowship. During Epiphany we are studying the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. Why not come and join us? Please call Mark Harlow for more information on 01795 890338.

Next Morning Worship at St. Mary, Eastling is on Sunday 19th January 2025.

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary, Eastling in the Parish of High Downs
Kettle Hill Road Eastling Faversham Kent, ME130AX, United Kingdom

Please come and join us each month for a service of Morning Worship. All ages welcome.
The service lasts about 50 minutes and is led by Pim Baxter (Reader) and Mark Harlow (ALM).
There are hymns to sing, a time for reflection with responses, readings, prayers and an engaging talk.
For more information please contact Mark on 01795 890338.

Cornerstone Service - Alternate Sundays at 6.00pm in Lynsted Church

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Lynsted Church
Lynsted Church, Lynsted, United Kingdom

THERE WILL NOT BE A SERVICE ON Sunday 19th January 2025 at 6.00pm
Please join the Cornerstone worshipping community from Lynsted Church as they offer worship and a sermon for us to all to share. Please tell your friends to join us and we look forward to being with you. We'd welcome your comments - please let us know. The service is live-streamed to Facebook.

Alternate weeks a different speaker from within our church will give a talk around a theme for the day.

Services of Worship within St. Mary, Eastling Church 1st and 3rd Sundays during 2024

Sunday 05 January 2025, Sunday 19 January 2025 at for 1 hour
St Mary, Eastling Church
St Mary, Eastling Church

Eastling Church will be holding a regular service on the 1st (Holy Communion) and 3rd Sundays (Morning Worship) of each month at 10.30am.
Throwley Church will be holding a regular service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Please see details in the Good News Magazine or contact the Churchwarden.
Stalisfield Church will remain closed.

The churches at Eastling and Throwley will remain open at the designated times for Private Prayer. If you need more information please contact your churchwarden or Revd. Paula Jardine-Rose - details can be found on the about us page. During this time may God bless us and support us all.

Holy Communion