
We would be delighted to talk with you about confirmation. This is a significant point in the Christian journey, when those who have been baptised affirm for themselves their commitment to their Christian faith. This page tries to answer some of the questions you may have.

What age do you have to be?

There is no set age but you must have been baptised and be old enough to answer responsibly for yourself, to make the necessary commitment to live as a follower of Christ. The Winchester Diocesan Guidelines stipulate that a child should not be normally presented for confirmation before their eleventh birthday.

What preparation is necessary?

Confirmation requires you to have a proper understanding of what it means to live as a Christian within the life of the Church of England. This normally means attending a series of sessions with a priest in which you will explore different aspects of the Christian faith so that you are fully able to commit yourself to continuing in discipleship and taking a full part in the life of the church. Confirmation courses are run locally as and when there is sufficient demand, normally in small groups.

Where does confirmation take place?

You may be confirmed at St. Margaret’s but sometimes it is necessary to combine with candidates from other churches so you could be confirmed in another church or even in the Cathedral.

What about Holy Communion?

All who have been confirmed in the Church of England, and also those who are baptised communicant members in good standing of other churches, are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St. Margaret’s.

Can I take part in church life without being confirmed?

At St. Margaret’s we welcome anyone who is able to offer their time or talents in the service of our church life, and there are many ways in which you can do this without having to be confirmed. The only roles for which confirmation is necessary in accordance with the canons (laws) of the Church of England are certain leadership roles such as ordained or lay ministry, or other licensed lay work such as being churchwarden. However, we encourage everyone to come for confirmation as a sign of their commitment to living as disciples of Christ.

What happens next?

If you would like to talk to someone about confirmation, please email us using the 'Get in touch' page