Schools and Community

We enjoy a close relationship with St Marys First School in West Moors. The vicar is usually a Governor at the school and the ministry team conducts assemblies there every week. Children from the school worship in the church regularly throughout the year and also take part in some of the social events (like the Lent Lunches). More information about the school can be found at 

The family of church and school have a shared vision of reaching out to, and believing in better for the community of West Moors. We work in partnership in exciting ways to live out that shared vision. In recent months, church and school have been working with Sturts Community Trust as West Moors Community Group. This partnership promises to be an exciting initiative in the community which looks at food education and community cohesion. There is also information here on our local no questions asked foodbank...the Sharing Shed

The vicar also usually takes assemblies at West Moors Middle School and we are proud to support the wonderful education that is provided to the young people of West Moors.