Funerals, Memorial and Services of Thanksgiving

The clergy team at St. Michael's are very experienced in providing sympathetic, caring and compassionate support through the days and months following the loss of a loved one.  

In the immediate aftermath of the death there can be a whirl of things to be arranged.  We enjoy close working relationships with our local funeral directors and together we do all we can to meet your wishes.  It is usual for the undertakers to contact us first to discuss the date and timing of the funeral service.

St. Michael's is an Anglican church so our service is within that tradition.  The framework does however offer considerable scope to personalise the funeral to your wishes and any wishes the deceased may have expressed.

We encourage people to talk with loved ones about their wishes and to write them down.  Once done they can be put aside until needed.   It saves much doubt and sometimes heartache for family members later.

St. Michael's also offers memorial services and services of thanksgiving for a loved one if that is preferred.  The PCC is happy for the nave area of the church to be used by people of other faiths for funeral-related gatherings.

Members of the clergy team will conduct funerals at a local crematorium if the church building is not required.

Afterwards, ashes may be interred in our Memorial garden.  See the separate page for details.  

Each year we remember those who have died at a special service for All Souls during November, when you will be invited to return and, as a part of the service, to light a candle.

In 2022 funeral fees are approximately £500.00. A service for the Burial of Ashes is £232.00