
The death of someone we love is always a difficult and often also painful time. A funeral service in Church offers the opportunity to give thanks to God for that person’s life and for what they have meant to you, to place them into God’s care and to hear the Christian message of hope that death does not have the last word.

Our Vicar will work closely with you and the funeral directors, visiting you at home, and helping you to put together a service that is meaningful to you and the departed person.

To arrange a funeral here at St Mary’s, in the first instance, please contact the funeral director of your choice and let them know that you would like to hold the service here. Everything else will then be taken care of from there on.

If you would like to arrange a funeral at the Crematorium, and would like our Vicar to conduct the service, please let the funeral director know. Everything else will then be taken care of from there on.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:5)