Christmas Fundraiser in the wake of the Covid

With the country by no means free from the pandemic, although thankfully the cases of serious illness have dramatically reduced, our Christmas event this year will be a combination of last year's very successful Christmas Experience and out traditional Christmas Bazaar. The event will be in the Church and Church hall and run from 10am to 4pm with visits to Father Christmas' Grotto being pre-booked through Eventbrite. In this way we hope to accommodate everyone who wants to come but avoid being packed at any point in time. As well as Father Christmas for the kids, there will be Mulled wine, Tombola, Raffle, Cake Stall, Pickles and Preserves, Wine Game and a Christmas Stall with Christmas crafts and preloved Christmas decorations. There will be refreshments throughout the day including a homemade soup lunch. 

The link to book tickets for Father Christmas is