Please see monthly notice sheet(s)
Update for Sunday 1st December
Each of our Churches are heading for a busy weekend next week as you can see from the December notice sheet attached. Please do all you can to support your own Church’s event and, if you have a chance, pop into the events the others are organising. The most important thing you can do before then is invite your friends and neighbours to come along.It is good to be able to report that we have been awarded a £700 grant from the Diocesan Growth Fund towards installing the internet in Barham Church for use by Families@4:30 and J-Team and will be available for hall users and for streaming services etc. if required. This has been driven by our plan to introduce Minecraft Church at Families@4:30 this weekend.
Those using the toilets in Barham Church hall will notice that these have now been “twinned” with latrines in Tanzania as part of an initiative to improve access to these facilities across parts of the world where there is a limited provision. This is a small step on the long road to attaining Eco Church status. Gt Blakenham Church has already attained bronze award as an Eco Church.This is probably the last Sunday for collecting a tag off the tree in Barham Church to buy a present for a child or family via FIND - speak to Rev Jenny if you have any queries