Plans for Lent & Holy Week

Lent Easter

Ash Wednesday 2nd March 

10am Eucharist with (optional) Imposition of Ashes 

7.30pm Eucharist with (optional) Imposition of Ashes at Great Blakenham Zoom 

7pm on Zoom Service of the Word 

Thursdays through Lent at 7.30pm Compline (Night Prayer) 9pm by Zoom (10th March, 17th March, 24th March, 31st March, 7th April)

Lent Groups ‘Living Honestly with the Psalms’ for five weeks from 7th March. 

Mondays on Zoom 8pm with Ruth Dennigan; 

Tuesdays on Zoom 7.30pm with Wendy Hooper; 

Wednesdays 7.30pm at home of Revd Jenny Ablett; 

Thursdays 2pm at Henley with Ruth Dennigan; 

Fridays 2pm at home of Jane Whight, starting 4th March.

Palm Sunday 10th April with distribution of palms at all services, 

8am Holy Communion Barham

10am Procession of Palms and Parish Eucharist  including a dramatised reading of the Passion 

Monday 11th April 8pm Compline with Address at Gt Blakenham

Tuesday 12th April 8pm Stations of the Cross 

Wednesday 13th April 10am Eucharist with Address 

8pm Compline (Night Prayer) with Address by Mark at Henley 

Maundy Thursday 14th April 

6pm Benefice Agape Meal at Great Blakenham Parish Room 

8pm Eucharist: Commemoration of the Last Supper at Great Blakenham followed at 9pm (if you wish) by Watch until Midnight at the Altar of Repose

Good Friday 15th April 10am Children’s Workshop with Hot Cross Buns for all at 11am  followed by a Family Service at 11.30am 1:30am Liturgy of Good Friday 

7:30pm A Service of Readings & Meditation at Henley