Church able to look outwards for Christmas Fundraiser now Bell appeal completed

A group of us met on Friday 7th October to plan this year's Christmas Fund Raiser on Saturday 3rd December. We decided, following the feed back from the past two years, to continue with the same sort of event as we have held at the Church over the past two years. ie hold it in the Church and Church Hall from 10am to 4pm with raffle, stalls, refreshments etc.  We will again be taking bookings to see Father Christmas' in advance so that the children and parents can enjoy a quality visit and the children can receive a small gift appropriate to their age and gender.

The major change this year, however, is the cause for which we will be raising the funds. Thanks to a generous donation last week, we have now at last finished paying for the work on the bells which was completed during the pandemic. We are therefore proposing that the proceeds from this year's event should be equally spread between the local foodbanks, which are struggling to support those locally in growing financial difficulty, and the Disasters Emergency Committee, which is striving to help the millions of people suffering from the effects of climate change and war in many countries abroad. We hope you will agree that this the right Christian decision in these challenging times and that you will give this event your full support.

Please put this date firmly in your diary and start to think what you can do to help make it a great success so that we can have a fun day and really have an impact in helping others much less fortunate than ourselves. At this stage we would love to hear from people willing to help on the day and would appreciate anyone making pickles or jams ready for sale and seeking out or making quality Christmas related items for the proposed Christmas Stall. For more information or offers to help please contact Roger on 01473 831079