
Parish Contacts.

for all church matters contact:

Priest in Charge. 

Revd. Tracey Caswell. Tel:  07742 999633 E-mail [email protected]

Associate Priest. 

Revd. Sue Godsmark. Tel: 01621 891513 E-mail [email protected]

Benefice Administrator. 

Lizzie Armour Tel: 07908 776750 E-mail [email protected]


Karen Tarpey Tel: 01621 892122

Parish Safeguarding Representative

Baptism Co-ordinator:

Rev'd Sue Godsmark. Tel: 01621 891513 E-mail [email protected]

Parish Magazine Enquiries:

Helen Mutton. Tel: 01621 891067 E-mail [email protected]

Parish Magazine Advertising:

Pauline Stebbing. Tel: 01621 892059 E-Mail [email protected]

The Honywood & Church Extension Hire:

Karin Mann. Tel: 01621 891215

St. Peter's. Iron Crosses for Interment of Ashes:

Chris Munton. Tel: 01621 891817 E-Mail [email protected]