Hymns for 14th June - recorded by Mel, St. Paul's Church Organist

Mel writes:

For the first time, our four scheduled hymns include one already used during our “distanced worship”. It was recorded around Passiontide so this week, I had only three new ones to record. Not to be seen slacking, I decided I would also include one of the Psalms appointed for this Sunday, Ordinary time Proper 6. Psalm 100. It opens with the words “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing”. I recently included a plainsong hymn from the church’s far past. I hope you might enjoy singing this Sunday’s psalm, though I have perhaps bowled a curved ball by presenting it using part of our Church’s traditional way of psalm singing, “Anglican Chant”. Not to be accused of being stuck in the past, I have used the translation published in the Church of England’s present source of all services, Common Worship!

The essence of Anglican chant is the use of speech rhythm, not forcing syllables to fit a musical note length. To give extra help to music readers to sing along, the melody line is included on-screen.

AMNS 422 Tell out my soul - https://youtu.be/RP4zrUcO49Q

SHF 12 And can it be? - https://youtu.be/l9tGlyPUFXQ

AMNS 67 When I survey the wondrous cross (as 5.4.20) - https://youtu.be/6fJNpR8K8vs

AMNS 139 Rejoice, the Lord is King - https://youtu.be/DT4-oZ7d8Ck

Psalm 100 - https://youtu.be/M-km3EyaXZ8

Best wishes to all for a good week ahead.