Hymns & Music for 11th April, recorded by Mel, St. Paul's Church Organist

Mel, St. Paul's Church Organist, writes:

As we are in the Easter season for some while yet, we'll be getting plenty of 'Alleluias' and we start with a newly recorded version of the text by Christopher Wordsworth, nephew of the Lakeland poet. Among many achievements he was headmaster of Harrow School and he finished his days as Bishop of Lincoln. The music reminds us that Arthur Sullivan wrote a lot of music, without the Gilbert's texts. The other hymn new to the archive is from that prolific translator of ancient texts, John Mason Neale. Another clergyman he provoked outrage and received death threats for his support of the Oxford (high church) Movement.

AMNS 80 Alleluia, alleluia - https://youtu.be/IZrz88mCpzs

AMNS 74 O sons and daughters let us sing - https://youtu.be/L8sLg3L0lKo

AMNS 428 Thine be the glory - https://youtu.be/21WzFNcK224

SHF 75 Crown Him with many crowns - https://youtu.be/ieAeMKdzs3A
