Hymns & Music for 30th August recorded by Mel, St. Paul's Church Organist

Mel writes:

Two of this week’s hymns have had an outing earlier in the on-line service schedule:

SHF 507 The God of Abraham praise - https://youtu.be/8xRgl_hUBHg

CP 383 Be still for the presence of the Lord - https://youtu.be/0Lyf5klFjvs

AMNS 237 Take up thy cross - https://youtu.be/KdQ93hMn1mM

Will you come and follow me - https://youtu.be/vfhAJ4HHibs

There is also a link to the prayer reflection music used in last Sunday’s service in church when the Shaker tune “Simple gifts” used by Aaron Copeland rather earlier than Sydney Carter’s re-use of it. It is the gifts aspect, rather than dance we are thinking about here. https://youtu.be/x-P_nRiDfe4

As always, the full list of items provided for the online services here, and as the weeks have gone by much further afield too, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs5IoS2IOMGxrJvKSpvEWHqNMEbhgo7y0